
Restore Your True Human Movement

A personalized program is the secret to obtaining your bodies optimal potential for fitness, health and injury prevention.

Do you feel....

  • stuck in your wellness goal progression
  • frustrated with a new or pre-existing injury
  • a loss in mobility
  • worried about injuries taking you out of the game

Do you want to...

  • maximizing your athletic power
  • prevent injuries
  • address the source of any imbalances and physical limitations
  • improve your stability and mobility

…then you are in the right place!

Introducing Restorative Human Movement

The secret to obtaining your body’s optimal potential for fitness, health, and injury prevention.

The RHM (RESTORATIVE HUMAN MOVEMENT) program will introduce you to a series of 7 Phases to find and address the source of any imbalances or physical limitations in the body. By applying this complete program you will improve your stability, mobility, and range of motion in 3 distinct areas of the body (shoulder complex, hip complex, and lower leg complex).

RHM is the most effective way to correct posture, decrease pain, retraining your true movement patterns, unlocking the secrets to obtaining your bodies optimal potential for restoring movement health, injury prevention, and maximizing your athletic powers.

Personalized for your Needs & Goals

No AI bots here…

There is no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to wellness. Your wellness program should be customized to fit your daily life and be obtainable to meet your goals. That’s why every RHM program is personalized for YOU!

How? By assessing your needs!

We assess through our RHM test and awareness questionnaire. These assessments are formatted to give a complete snapshot of where you are in your wellness journey and show any imbalances/pain points. They also let us know factors in your life that may affect your program. Our team of wellness advisors will review these assessments and then create and deliver your personalized recovery program.

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Recovery Built for Your Life

PVS is built on the foundation of offering personalized programs that provide RESULTS. Our recovery program is divided intro 3 tiers depending on where you are in your wellness journey and what you are looking for from our team of wellness consultants.

Recovery Tier 1
Tier 1
Personalized Program
Tier 2
Program + RHM Course
Tier 3
Program + RHM Course + Live chats with your Wellness Advisor

Not sure what level is right for you?

Take our recovery awareness questionnaire! One of our Wellness Advisors will review and provide you with a recommended plan to take charge of your vitality!

Who is RHM For?


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Here is our take on restoring human movement:

True Corrective Exercise is the act of finding and addressing the source of any imbalances or physical limitations in the body, then applying a program that will improve your stability, mobility, and range of motion in said areas of the body. Fitness professionals should always focus on corrective exercise because we strongly believe in establishing a solid foundation of physical fitness to build upon when starting a workout plan.


Without fixing imbalances and building stability first, you will not be able to activate your muscles properly or use the full range of motion required to perform exercises correctly. For example, having a pre-existing knee injury would limit the range of motion of your leg, thereby preventing you from being able to perform exercises such as squats or even being able to accelerate while running. A corrective exercise program would introduce you to a series of movements to strengthen and increase flexibility in the muscles and joints around your knee, and once that is achieved, you will be able to move on to performing exercises that will improve your overall physical fitness.

What is corrective exercise?

We hear that term thrown around a lot in the fitness industry, as a form of training that only happens when you are injured or recovering from surgery. The truth is…. in its basic form, every exercise or movement should always be corrected for good form and proper mechanics, so by default, all exercise is corrective exercise. What we should start labeling it as is….Restorative Movement.

Meet Your Wellness Advisor

Yaw Owusu Jr.

Yaw Owusu Jr. has a passion for strength through vitality and has been changing the lives of his clients for over 15 years by helping them optimize their peak vitality. In 2008 he founded PeakFit Services and embarked on perfecting the groundbreaking training concept known as vitality training system(VTS), a vitality algorithm that assesses, creates, and applies individualized programs to improve Mindset, Nutrition, Sleep, Recovery, and Exercise. PEAK, an anagram for Performance, Education, Athletics, and Kinesiology, is the fundamental backbone of Yaw’s mission for PEAK mind/body/spirit.

Yaw Owusu Jr.

Restore your TRUE human movement

RHM 7 Phases Overview

Phase 1: Shoulder Complex Restorative Movement

Actively Increases your elasticity in neck, shoulder, and wrist joints through self-massage on areas of your neck and shoulders complexes that are tight. This will enable proper stability throughout the neck (cervical spine) and enable you to maximize range of motion in your shoulder joints and thoracic spine. Therefore, support of proper retraction, protraction, upward and downward rotation of the shoulder girdle increases strength throughout the entire shoulder complex through pushing, pulling, rotation upper body exercises.

Phase 2: Hip Complex Restorative Movement

Hip complex – Actively Increases your elasticity in Hip complex through self-massage on areas of your hips that are tight. This will enable proper hip mobility in all three planes of motion, hip internal rotation and hip extension, therefore, enabling you to maximize the range of motion in your squat, hinge, lunge, and gait patterns. This phase will unlock the secret to mastering 7 primal movement patterns.

lower leg
Phase 3: Lower Leg Complex Restorative Movement

Lower leg complex – Actively Increases your elasticity in your Foot and ankle complex joint through self-massage on areas of your foot that are tight. This will enable proper stability through pronation and supination which will enable you to maximize range of motion in dorsi and plantar flexion. Lastly the ankle complex will be aided in rotation through inversion and eversion of the foot due to that increased mobility leading to optimized foot stability in all primal patterns

Phase: 4 Active Preparation For Upper Body RHM

This phase will actively prepare your upper body for exercise, by way of restorative human movement through maximizing the primal patterns of PEAK. These patterns will enable proper stability throughout the neck (cervical spine) and maximize thoracic spine mobility. Therefore aiding in proper rotation and retraction of the shoulder girdle increasing strength through pushing, pulling, and rotational exercise.

Phase 5: Active Preparation For Lower Body RHM

This phase will actively prepare your lower body for exercise, by way of restorative human movement through maximizing the primal patterns of PEAK. These patterns will enable proper stability throughout the foot, knee and pelvis in order to maximize true function of the L.P.H.C. (lumbo pelvic hip complex) mobility. Therefore aiding in proper rotation, flexion and extension of the lower leg complex and increasing strength through squatting, hinging, lunging and gait exercise.

Phase 6: Full Body Static Stretching

Statically Increases your elasticity in the Lower leg, Hip, and Shoulder complex through movement with periodic holds that take your available active range of motion in your full body and reinforces static flexibility through 3 different planes of motion.

Phase 7: Full Body Dynamic Movement Preparation

Dynamically takes your available active range of motion in 7 Primal Human Patterns and reinforces dynamic flexibly through 3 different planes of motion. Therefore creating the foundation to master R.H.M. and become a complete athlete.

Tier 1

Personalized Program
$ 29
  • Personalized program created and designed by your wellness advisor based on your needs and goals from your recovery questionnaire
  • 30-day program
  • PVS community area
  • Discussion Board
  • RHM assessment videos to create your own assessment/progress
  • Client management support

Tier 2

Program + RHM Course
$ 99
  • Personalized program created and designed by your wellness advisor based on your needs and goals from your recovery questionnaire
  • RHM course subscription for 30-day increments
  • Vitality Network community area
  • Discussion Board (questions, comments, feedback, progress, motivation, etc)
  • RHM assessment videos to create your own assessment/progress
  • Client management support

Tier 3

RHM Program + Program + 1-1 Consultations
$ 149
  • Personalized program created and designed by your wellness advisor based on your needs and goals from your recovery questionnaire
  • RHM course subscription for 30-day increments
  • Vitality Network community area
  • Discussion Board (questions, comments, feedback, progress, motivation, etc)
  • RHM assessment videos to create your own assessment/progress
  • Monthly Live Chat (LIVE on Zoom with your wellness advisor)
  • Client management support

Find the right program for you!

Take our recovery awareness questionnaire! One of our Wellness Advisors will review and provide you with a recommended plan to take charge of your vitality!

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